Birth Stories are enduring, amazing stories remembered, treasured and retold by mom's across the world and over centuries. When I was a young mother I had a neighbor who showed me my future through a conversation we had on a sunny Southern California sidewalk one day, some 15 years ago. That neighborly conversation stuck with me and helped me understand the impact bringing children into the world would truly have on the rest of my life.
Dot was 85 years old and I began to see her less frequently over the past year. She and her husband Bob, now gone, used to walk the neighborhood each evening. She would often stop to talk, always seeming to ask questions that gave away she was watching our family's comings and goings from her kitchen window. On day talked turned to babies, and with unusual clarity, Dot recalled the birth of each of her three children, now grandparents themselves. As a new mom, my firstborn's birth story was fresh in my mind, all the little details and emotions of that day. I had yet to experience the journey of motherhood, not truly understanding the magnitude of each child's story and the lasting imprint it would leave on my heart and mind. Now, with a few more years of motherhood under my belt, I still can tell the story of each child's entry into the word with clarity and I can see at 86 the story will still be engraved on my heart. In today's modern world, there are so many more means to help us remember our stories... ultrasound pictures we save and treasure from our doctor's appointments, selfies of our pregnant selves and time lapse videos created to show 9 months of miracle in mere seconds. Our baby books may be online or stored on our phone or computer for generations to come. \
What the pictures and videos' can't capture is the picture of how your heart changes from that day forward. That change is shown whenever we recount the day we brought our children into the world, and our heart still swells with a mother's love, even after all those years. What is your birth story or stories? What will you always remember? Check out our story of life frame.